Technical Writing

Technical Writing Technical writing is simply a type of writing where the author writes about a particular subject that requires direction, instruction, or explanation to users. It serves as a guideline or a help guide to help the users navigate around the particular subject, application or even a product. Technical writing is a straight forward and provides an easy understanding of an instruction or explanation on how to deal with a particular subject. It best explains how something works in more efficient way. There are two types of Technical writing: Abstract and Tangible, examples of technical writing includes user manual, process manual, instruction manual and etc. Tips to a good technical writing: know your audience, must be straight to the point, have a enough details, be good with research.

Backend Development It is simply means what keeps the internet up and running from behind the scenes. People who specialize in Backend developers are responsible for development of the website and it performs correctly, focusing on databases, back-end logic, application programming interface (APIs), creating libraries and servers. They write code that ensures the functionality and logic powering the application been worked on and the technology is not seen directly by the users. Backend development is a combination of servers, databases and application.

Language in Backend Development They are simply the languages in which the codes for application/website is been written and they include JavaScript, Nodejs, PHP, Ruby etc. The languages can be dynamically or statically typed, dynamically typed is more flexible allows for variables to change types while statically typed is more rigid and better at catching errors.

Parts of backend development include the server(it is the computer that receives requests), the app(it is the application running on the server that listens for requests, retrieves information from the database, and sends a response),the database(it is the databases that are used to organize and persist data).

Backend development-Docker, Django, Nginx, Laravel, Firebase, etc. Backend Developers can work in Tech companies and other sectors.